DAY 5 - September 13, 2023 - 6 PM
District Presentation on HEA Counter Offer
Begins at 59:15 mark
HEA Counter Proposal - Salary Schedule
Analysis of the Initial USD 261 proposal offered on September 6 indicated that while giving each cell a 4% raise, it did not adequately address steps, columns, or address the initial placement fix. Our estimation was this proposal would only increase aggregate bargaining unit salaries $608,617 over SFY23.
The HEA COUNTER PROPOSAL requests an estimated $1,112,281 (4.07%) aggregate salary monies over SFY23 to be used for 4% capped step cell raises, column movements, and Year 1 of 2 to fix salary schedule placements. Teachers new to the profession (Level A) would receive a 3% increase, effectively raising the base rate from $40,519 to $41,735.
HEA continues to be concerned that rapidly increasing insurance premiums and low starting pay will be detrimental to our members and our district.